2NE1: I Don't Care MV - Entertainment

DOWNLOAD: http://community.livejournal.com/hq_twentyone/13579.html?mode=reply After waiting for 6 hours, it is here. Join YGLadies forum for updated news and info on 2NE1: http://ygladies.com/forums/ I love the concept of the MV, reminds me of that Frozen Grand Central thing in NY, and also one thing that I love; "Don't get mad, get even" If I have to talk in the tone to my boyfriend, and he still acts like nothin's going on.... well SOMETHING... is gonna come off, I'm sure ain't gonna just stay quiet and take it. MJ's tone scares me the most haha from the maknae. Props to all the actors in this MV... must be pretty hard to do that, and they shot this during night time too, talk about tiring. CL's bf is cute... haha The dark room and chandlier scene reminds me of Bae's "Only Look at me" MV scene. I've been wondering about the choreograph for this song a while now, since this isn't a easy tune to make a dance to, but that finger thing... i love it! haha it's easy to do, easy to remember, yet it's so cute. LOL at when everything went back to normal, the boys got it bad~ haha I love this MV

2NE1 ygladies don't care mv 아이 돈 케어 twenty one 투애니원 21 bigbang female big bang 여자빅뱅 CL Park Bom Gong Min Ji MinJi Sandara Dara ë°•ë´„ 공민지 산다ë

Views: 246499 2009-07-08

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