La Coacha Attacks Taylor Lautner, Selena Gomez & More! - Entertainment

We decided to send our stalker protege, La Coacha, to cover the Teen Vogue "Young Hollywood" party for us this weekend and the results were LOLgasmic! She had no idea who half most of these Disney stars and tweens were, but the results are HIGHlarious! Watch what happens when she interviews Selena Gomez and Taylor Lautner (above). And yes, she asked about their brief romance! Also featuring appearances from Kelly Osbourne, Cody Linley, Matt Lanter, Varsity Fanclub, Priscilla Renea, The Noisettes, A Fine Frenzy and tons of other people we confuse too! Good job, La Coacha. You're not fired yet!

La Coacha Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Taylor Lautner Selena Gomez Kelly Osbourne Cody Linley Matt Lanter

Views: 338550 2009-09-27

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