Unicorns are for Gangstas. A Picture Song. - Music

Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is a Picture Song. It's been a long time since I made on of these, but I've seen a lot of comments requesting their return, so I had to shake the dust off my brain and get to it. Before you ask, yes, we are working on Epic Rap Battles of History every single day. They take a lot of work, and I like them to be as good as possible, so it takes a lot of time from a lot of different people. But the next two are my favorites so far, except for maybe Beethoven VS Bieber, I liked making that one a lot. My friend Alex does an incredible impression of Jack Sparrow, and he asked me to be in his new music video, you can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/damitsgood808 I'm open to any and all suggestions on how to use Sparrow in a rap battle, keep them coming, when I see one that kills me, I'll start working on that too. see you soon, -nice peter

nicepeter nice peter picture songs nom babies funny japanese people are weird

Views: 282979 2011-05-23

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