NASA UARS Satellite Reentry - Tech

As of 7 a.m. EDT, Sept. 22, 2011, NASA predicted that its Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) will deorbit sometime during the afternoon of Friday, Sept. 23, Eastern Daylight Time. NASA reported that the satellite will not be passing over North America during that time period and that at the time, it was still too early to predict the time and location of re-entry with any more certainty. Predictions will become more refined in the 24 to 36 hours following the 7 a.m. announcement. Aerospace engineers from Analytical Graphics, Inc. (AGI) used the company's analysis and visualization software to create this video depicting: · UARS in its current orbit · Its potential debris area · Burn-up at reentry · A representative statistical breakup model · UARS estimated debris region In all uses, courtesy "Analytical Graphics, Inc." To learn more about this story, head over to Please write to if you need a broadcast-quality version of this video or would like to interview one of our space situational awareness experts.

Satellite Tool Kit AGI Analytical Graphics NASA Reenter Uncontrolled Research UARS Upper Atmosphere Where When Crashing Defunct re-entry reentry #UARS hit Space Junk

Views: 1153939 2011-09-21

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