FULL DeFranco Does Dublin Show!!! (A nice alternative to Finals ;) - Entertainment

HEYA READ THIS! First off I would like to thank the lovely people of Ireland for coming out and supporting something I had never tried before and making it SO DAMN AMAZING. I have never performed or had a show before so to test this idea in front of 2000+ people was amazing and life changing. As a side note we originally planned to have this on DVD, and/or Netflix but I really wanted to share this with the ENTIRE NATION instead of just trying to make a profit on it (All ads on this video are there to help pay for the cost of crew, editors, venue, etc). We live in this weird economic time, in a weird entertainment medium, and I don't want to keep cool shit from people just because they don't have the money to spend. NOW if you do have the cash, you liked this, and you do want to help support the show and a possible DeFranco Does tour, just get some PhillyD Merch at http://ForHumanPeoples.com And last things. 1. To really enjoy this select to watch this in 480p/720p and let it load for a little bit and watch it full screen. 2. Keep in mind it was my first time performing so be gentle :-p 3. Yes I am that fat. At this point in the European trip I had gained 15 lbs. mmmm delicious european food and beer.... 4. Where would you like the next "DeFranco Does" show to be next? 5. Love yo faces!!! -Philip DeFranco

Philip DeFranco Ireland Does Dublin full event video show Youtube

Views: 283257 2011-12-11

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