T!tless Lady - Michelle Glavan - Comedy

This is a song inspired by ACTUAL YouTube comments. Enjoy! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subtomg Available on iTunes SOON! Facebook: http://facebook.com/michelleglavanfanpage/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/michelleglavan LYRICS: This is a song inspired by actual YouTube comments. I just wanna thank everyone for their delightful words that helped inspire this song. I have no t!tt!es, oooooh. Where are my t!tt!es? ooooh. I wanna thank total strangers for pointing it out. It's obviously something I never knew about. My b00bies. They are really small. My b00bies. I look like a wall. How are men supposed to objectify me? when they need a microscope in order to see... My hoohas, I'm built like a boy. My hoohas, my chest won't bring joy. I was born with no t!tt!es. I'm living with no t!tt!es. I'll die with no t!tties, but it's no biggie. My fun bags, they don't break my back. My fun bangs, they're like hackeysacs. This is the part of the song where I recite ACTUAL YouTube comments. Enjoy! Your t!ts are deformed. I can see your n!pples. You have small chi chis, smiley face. I can see your t!t tip. You're sooo flat. I hope this stupid, pale, little t!ttie b!tch just f**king dies. Oh, quit posting videos and sell your video equipment. Now take that money and go buy some t!ts. You need them. I have bigger b00bs, tanner b00bs, and I'm f**king eleven. I can already tell that little girl is going to blossom into quite the young lady, or wait, I guess she probably already has. My skin sacks. It's just that simple. My skin sacks. They're fifty percent n!pple. B00bies. B00bies. I'm a t!tless lady.

T!tless Lady michelleglavan michelle glavan b00bs small br3asts large hooters chicken wings shopping cart ukulele original song youtube comments t1t t1ts hoohas hooha fun bags naked grocery store

Views: 795140 2012-02-24

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