PURRKOUR - Animals

Starring DIDGA! Like "parkour" but with a cat. Yes, cats run, jump on, climb up, jump off and always land on their feet, but you've never seen it done like this. Likes, comments and Shares are greatly appreciated. Subscribe - http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x Cat Super Skateboarding (2.5 million views) - http://youtu.be/YRbakPKgU5Y Cat Barely Escapes Jaws 2.3 million views! - http://tinyurl.com/8qgj4am Other popular videos & Tutorials - http://tinyurl.com/lnmb2h4 DOG videos & training tutorials - http://tinyurl.com/lnwhmxy INSTAGRAM - catmantoo_youtube FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/CATMANTOO/144239232413624 TWITTER -Malibu Dog Trainr Music - Production music. Title: 'To The Top' by Score Squad Didga is 2.5 years old, I adopted her from a shelter at 13 weeks old with the sole intention of starting a youtube channel to showcase her talents (I had not yet taught her) and to teach humans about responsible cat ownership #1 keep your cat indoors, then teach your cat to walk on a leash and other fun things, giving your indoor cat experiences like that of an outdoor cat BUT without the dangers. Not to mention the wildlife cats kill, it's very sad. #1 QUESTION: IS MY CAT TOO OLD TO LEARN? ANSWER: CATS ARE NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN, JUST FOLLOW THE ADVICE AND YOU WILL SEE. All the best, Robert and Didga

Views: 404438 2014-07-08

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