If I die on Mars | Guardian Docs - News

Meet the people who've volunteered to be on the first manned mission to Mars ... and stay there. Subscribe to The Guardian ► http://is.gd/subscribeguardian Three volunteers are on the shortlist to be among four people on the Mars One programme, the first manned space flight to Mars – a one-way trip that's effectively a suicide mission. A physics student in the UK, a young doctor from Mozambique and an Iraqi-American woman, all happy to sacrifice their futures for a place in history. Why do they want to leave Earth, and who are they leaving behind? As the list of potential Mars explorers is whittled down further on 16 February, meet those competing to be the first to land on the Red Planet. Guardian website ► http://is.gd/guardianhome Endboard videos: Drone wars: The gamers recruited to kill ► http://bit.ly/dronewarsfilm Pretty Radical: Inside Poland's far right ► http://bit.ly/prettyradical1 Guardian playlists: Comment is Free ► http://is.gd/cifplaylist Guardian Docs ► http://is.gd/guardiandocs Guardian Animations & Explanations ►http://is.gd/explainers Guardian Investigations ► http://is.gd/guardianinvestigations Other Guardian channels on YouTube: Guardian Football ► http://is.gd/guardianfootball Guardian Music ► http://is.gd/guardianYTmusic Guardian Tech ► http://is.gd/guardiantech Guardian Food ► http://is.gd/guardianfood Guardian Culture ► http://is.gd/guardianculture More Guardian videos: Mos Def force fed in Gitmo procedure ► http://is.gd/mosdef Edward Snowden interview ► http://is.gd/snowdeninterview2014 Bangladeshi Sex Workers take steroids ► http://is.gd/sexworkers How your phone spies on you ► http://is.gd/phonespying What is freedom today? ► http://is.gd/zizekcif 30 Stone man enters Mr Gay UK ► http://is.gd/stavros Fighting Isis in Kobani ► http://is.gd/fightingisis How does Ebola kill? ► http://is.gd/ebolakills The SlumGods of Mumbai ► http://is.gd/slumgods Jesus "would have been an atheist" ► http://is.gd/dawkinsjesus The new global menace ► http://is.gd/owenjonescif

Views: 242936 2015-02-09

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