Words of Wisdom: Casey Neistat - Entertainment

Casey Neistat is a fellow Youtube creator. His work and his ethos have been great inspiration for us over the last couple of years. We spent some time with him in the summer at his studio in New York to record this little film. This is Words of Wisdom with Casey Neistat SPREAD THE LOVE! Our Website: http://www.jacksgap.com Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JacksGap Our SoundCloud: http//www.soundcloud.com/jacksgapsounds Jack's Twitter: http://twitter.com/JacksHarries Jack''s Instagram: http://instagram.com/JackHarries Finn's Twitter: http://twitter.com/FinnHarries Finn's Instagram: http://instagram.com/FinnHarries

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Views: 262618 2015-03-08

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